Pennsylvania, 1860, Central with Addendum, U.S. Federal Census Index free download PDF, EPUB, Kindle
Author: Ronald Vern Jackson
Date: 01 Jan 1999
Publisher: Genealogical Services
Format: Hardback::24 pages
ISBN10: 0895934655
Filename: pennsylvania-1860-central-with-addendum-u.s.-federal-census-index.pdf
Download Link: Pennsylvania, 1860, Central with Addendum, U.S. Federal Census Index
In the 1910 U. S. Census there were over 400 Villwocks in Berrien County, Michigan, 16 of which were born in German-speaking Prussia 1 (1840-1871). These Villwock families in Berrien County can be presumed to be related. This essay attempts to investigate this contention and sort out available data about them and their origins. 9780309053761 0309053765 Risk and Innovation - The Role and Importance of Small, High-tech Companies in the U.S., National Academy of Engineering 9781425307486 1425307485 The Duality of God's Nature, Bhagavan Das 9781874790693 1874790698 Handbook for Care Assistants 6e Pb, Phair Et Al 9780819133182 0819133183 My Urban Wilderness in Pb, Lillard U.S. Population Census, 1860 Banks County, Georgia - Ga. Gen. Soc. 1820 Pulaski County Federal Census Index, Supplement. Census Records 1830-1860 Pulaski & Bleckley Counties State of Georgia Research Materials on the state of Virginia Organized Alphabetically County. Hunting - Pennsylvania. See also what's at your library, or elsewhere. Broader terms United States Bureau of the Census and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (page images at HathiTrust) African hunting and adventure from Natal to the Zambesi; including Lake Ngami, the a summary of federal, state, and provincial statutes / (Washington U.S. Census records, Pittsburgh city directories and biographical materials provide information on Letitia Holmes, the first owner of 719 Brighton Road, and members of her family. 1830 to 1870. Letitia Holmes was born in May 1830. She was the daughter of John and Letitia Caldwell of the town of Allegheny. He and an Irishman (ex-Senator Francis Kernan's father) went across Seneca Lake and settled at Tyrone, to which point they presently removed their families. The Hause family trace their ancestry back to William Hause, who settled in Pennsylvania in 1750. After the … Title Author Year "Harvest" A Harvest of History of N.W. Dent and Southern Phelps Co. Missouri:Gabel, Garrett: 2016 "Saint Jo Buchanan County" Honoring Eugene Field:St. Joseph 1870 Census Index, Dinwiddie County, Virginia. Precision Indexing. 1989. GEN 312.09755582: CENSUS SHELF Choctaw Research A Historical Overview of the Choctaws U.S. Relations and Historical/Genealogical Records There are extensive governmental records relating to trade, military affairs, treaties, removal to Oklahoma, land claims, trust funds, allotments, military service and pensions, and other dealings with the Choctaw Indians, which reach back to the early days of the existence of the Republic. "Census Index: 1860 Noble County, Ohio; and 1850 Index of Townships Taken to Form Noble County." "Centennial History Ohio State Grange 1873-1973." J.F. Dowler. 172 pgs. "Center Township Cemetery Inscriptions." 1987. 64 pgs. "The Central Pennsylvania Genealogical Society Newsletter." - 1986-1993. "Champaign County Chapter, OGS Newsletter Indexs to the 1820 & 1850 U.S. Census of Georgia.1860 – An index for the 1860 federal census of Georgia; Federal mortality census schedules and related indexes:Georgia A collection of upwards of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776 with a statement of the The only extant records discovered so far are found in various census records. Every name lists of residents of the Poor House appear in the U.S. Federal Census, the aforementioned 1880 Special Census, and the 1866 census of the City of St. Louis - the last - named being available on microfilm at the Missouri Historical Society. U.S. Domestic Postal Card Regulations 1874 to 1885 Robert Stendel rd Regulations 1874 to 1885 Robert Stendel A most welcome book, the rates and usages are much more complex than one would expect 2010, 98 pages, in color with many cards illustrated, card bound, an edition of only 200 copies, the society journal states the book is hard bound but this is an error, $45.00 General index to the Colonial records in 16 vols, and to the Pennsylvania archives, in 12 vols., prepared and arranged Samuel Hazard, under the act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia: J. Stevens and Co., 1860.) (Published American Colonial Records, Pennsylvania.) Reel 7. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System (CWSS) is a database containing information about the men who served in the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War. Miller family history. 1 DAR Records, of Ruth Huggans. 2 Miller Family Bible. 3 Tombstone. 4 DAR Records, of Ruth Huggans. Cit. Date: 30 Nov 2008. 5 1790 U.S. Census, Albany, New York, p. 321, John Miller; digital images, 1790 United States Federal Census (:accessed 26 Apr 2010); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M637, roll 6. Full text of "Berriman McLaughlin, 1776-1850:Hampshire, Virginia;Butler, Pennsylvania;Harrison, Ohio;Scioto, Ohio;Greene, Illinois" See other formats 2001 national and state economic impacts of wildlife watching:addendum to the 2001 National survey of fishing, hunting and wildlife-associated recreation / (Washington, D.C. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Federal Aid, [2003]), James Caudill and U.S. …
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